Honey Bee Happy
26/52 Honey Bee Happy
It’s been a tough week this week for my family, but especially for my daughters.
They have had their last week of finals (one has their last next week) and biggest of all has been the funeral of their last grandparent.
When they are small, all we want to do is wave a magic wand and make the pain go away.
As they grow that instinct is still with us, but also the knowledge that inner sadness and struggle is part of what they must learn to process for themselves (with the support we can offer when they need it). As a mother, I have to remind myself that wands can actually take away power.
I was so proud that they had the strength to read (and write!) poems for the funeral and that my middle daughter played music and sang a beautiful song.
It is so difficult to see our kids hurting, but also it brings pride to see them gain strength from it. Love my girls so much xxx