August Sunshine Bouquet
6/52 August Sunshine Bouquet, 36" x 36", oil on canvas
I didn’t get a chance to paint a small painting this week, but I did finally finish this 36” x 36” oil on canvas painting this morning. I have another large painting set up in my bedroom for a room portrait and one more squeezed into a corner of my husband’s home office. When those two are finished I will get back to posting small 6” x 6” paintings.
I started this one a while back, but life kept getting in the way. You know how that goes. Anyway, thank goodness for photo references that never wither, or start to stink! Sending art love to @natasharuschka_art from Instagram for providing this “fabulous floral” photo. Now I’m going back to my bedroom to paint my chair minus the bundle of clothes on the floor.
